AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd is an Ag-Tech company with a primary focus on developing and utilizing its intellectual property assets for improvements dedicated to the agricultural industry. The company believes that this goal is best achieved by using its proprietary IP for solutions in the agricultural industry as well as seeking the development of new IP to both enhance the technology which it has already retained in-house as well as development of new technologies which can increase its footprint in the Ag-Tech space. Its AgriFORCE Brands division is focused on the development and commercialization of plant-based ingredients and products that deliver more nutritious food. It will market and commercialize ingredient supplies, like its Awakened Flour and Awakened Grains.
How many years of EBITDA are required to pay off the company's net debt considering the lease agreements, according to the official accounting standard IFRS16. As a market consensus, a value of up to 3 years of leverage is accepted for most companies.
How many years of EBITDA are needed to pay off the company's net debt without considering lease agreements. As a market consensus, a value of up to 3 years of leverage is accepted for most companies.
How many years of operating cash flow are needed to pay off the company's net debt without considering lease agreements.
How much the company's debt represents in % in relation to its equity. As a market consensus, a value less than or equal to 1 is accepted, above that leverage can end up hurting the final result at some point.
The current ratio helps investors understand more about a company's ability to cover its short-term debt with its current assets and make apples-to-apples comparisons with its competitors and peers.
The quick ratio measures a company's capacity to pay its current liabilities without needing to sell its inventory or obtain additional financing and is considered a more conservative measure than the current ratio, which includes all current assets as coverage for current liabilities.
The interest coverage ratio is used to measure how well a firm can pay the interest due on outstanding debt and is is calculated by dividing a company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by its interest expense during a given period. Generally, a higher coverage ratio is better, although the ideal ratio may vary by industry.
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